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News from the Master a.y. 2024/2025

January 16th 2025 Opening cerimony Master in Art Law and Master in Fashion Law a.y. 2024/2025. Why is it crucial to understand the laws governing the worlds of art and fashion? In this video, Renata Cristina Mazzantini, Director of the National Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art of Rome, and Pietro Ruffo, an Italian contemporary artist, share their insights. Their reflections were captured during the opening event of the new academic year for the Master in Art Law and Master in Fashion Law at Luiss.

February 1st Professor Francesco Cherubini’s insightful lecture on the significance of European law was held in the stunning setting of Piazza Montecitorio, providing students with a unique and immersive learning experience.

February 8th 2025 Art, Law, and Cultural Heritage: A Conversation with Stephen W. Clark 
Students of the Master in Art Law had the opportunity to engage with Stephen W. Clark, Vice President, General Counsel & Secretary of the J. Paul Getty Trust, on some of the most complex legal issues in the art world.
The discussion sparked deep engagement among students, opening new perspectives on the protection of artistic heritage and the evolving role of law in the art world.

February 2025 Students had the opportunity to visit Galleria Borghese
As part of the Master in Art Law, students had the opportunity to visit Galleria Borghese, exploring a historically rich and stimulating environment. During the tour, they met two museum professionals: Silvia Lucantoni from the Donations and Acquisitions Office and Stefania Vannini from the Accessibility Office.