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#StudentsLife: LLM European Law and Policies MELP

#StudentsLife: LL.M. in European Law and Policies (MELP)

European Sovereignty. Current and Future Challenges
Our LL.M. in European Law and Policies students had the great opportunity to hear a Lectio held by Laurence Boone, Minister of State for Europe (France).

After the opening remarks of Paola Severino, Vice President Luiss University; Andrea Prencipe Rector, Luiss University and Marc Lazar Chair BNL BNP Paribas French-Italian Relations in Europe and President Luiss School of Government Advisory Board, Laurence Boone addressed several topics regarding the upcoming European challenges.
The Master is jointly directed by Mark Thatcher, Enzo Moavero Milanesi and Daniele Gallo.