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European Law and Policies (MELP)

Applications for a.y. 2025/2026 are now open.

Check the Competition Notice

Jointly organised by the School of Law and the School of Government, the Master of Law (LL.M) in European Law and Policies (MELP) is an advanced specialised program that prepares students to become law and policy specialists.

You will gain expertise both in EU institutional and substantive law and in the operation of the policy process in practice.

As to partecipate to the admission procedure, candidates need to satisfy the requirements as provided by the Competition Notice for the Master (Bando):

  • English version
  • Italian version

Law students will gain an understanding of policy making, which is essential for grasping how the EU’s legal framework operates, while political science and other social science students will acquire an understanding of the legal structure within which policy decisions are taken.

Provided that students with legal background complete a set of course requirements, they will be awarded the final title with the mention of Master of Law (LL.M) in European Law and Policies.

The academic program is organised in three parts. Firstly, there are common core courses that delve into the central aspects of the EU’s legal framework and major policies. These are: development of European integration, internal effect of EU law, judicial proceedings before national and EU courts, regulation and policy making, competition, internal market, economic governance, external action. Secondly, there are specialised options in both law and policy, covering crucial areas of the EU. Lastly, there are courses that provide students with all relevant knowledge and training for their professional development and employment, notably practical labs and clinics.

The academic program, finally, is concentrated mainly during the last days of the working week and weekend as to facilitate work and study engagements.