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Program Overview

Competition Notice for the Master (Bando):

Objectives: the creation and successful market-placement of a fashion product involve several interlinked activities requiring specific legal attention:

  • the “idea”, its authenticity and the manufacturing methods must be protected against imitation, counterfeiting and other infringements;
  • national and international regulations on chemical require to set and follow strict rules and request specific product compliance;
  • advertising and marketing must be undertaken in compliance with national and international legal boundaries;
  • the sale and distribution of products may require different legal models depending on the commercial strategy;
  • disputes may arise from breaches of contract or for violations of mandatory national or international norms.

These legal issues are of significant interest for lawyers, consultants, entrepreneurs, and business and trade associations.

The Luiss School of Law Master in Fashion Law (LL.M.) is the very first program in Europe to address comprehensively all the various legal matters and competences involved in the overall regulation of the fashion sector. Through classes, workshops, practical and experiential learning activities, seminars, conferences and direct contact with professionals, experts, market-leaders and academics, the Master (LL.M.) in Fashion Law develops and improves professional competences and personal skills, preparing participants for numerous career opportunities.

Partecipants: the Master (LL.M.) in Fashion Law is addressed to professionals wishing to acquire or to advance their legal education in this specific industrial sector from an international and European perspective, creating a wide range of career opportunities:

  • national and international fashion houses;
  • law firms;
  • consulting firms;
  • textile, jewelry and hi-tech industries;
  • business organizations and trade associations.

Credits: 60 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System). 

Diploma: Master of Law (LL.M.) in Fashion Law Master universitario di secondo livello.

Duration of Program: one academic year.

Language: English.

Content: the Master (LL.M.) in Fashion Law is organized favoring the alternation between academic lectures and interactive activities with the direct involvement of specialist lawyers, in-house counsels, experts and academics. The course will be divided into thematic modules, tackling the main legal challenges from the creation of the product to its placement on the market, including:

  • international trade law and European commercial policy;
  • intellectual property rights;
  • copyright law and brand protection;
  • distribution brick&mortar, commercial contracts and e-commerce;
  • new commercial models (digital and omni-channel market);
  • contracts and agreements for the organization of a fashion show;
  • advertising and communication;
  • regulatory compliance and sustainability of the production;
  • dispute resolution.

Classes: January-July 2025

  • Fridays morining and afternoon
  • Saturdays morning.