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Fashion Law

Applications for a.y. 2025/2026 are now open.

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Italy has always been synonymous with fashion: “Italian style” is certainly easily recognizable, appreciated and envied all around the world. Undoubtedly, “Made in Italy” is a guarantee of originality, refinement, sophistication and quality in fashion production.

Moreover, the Italian fashion sector is certainly one of the most dynamic and fastest-growing markets, which sees the constant evolution of economic relationships and consequent legal problems: Italy hosts some of the most important fashion houses/brands and so it is constantly at the forefront of national, international and European initiatives regarding the fashion world.

Rome, in particular, has always played a key role in this business thanks to its long-standing tradition in handicrafts and its unparalleled beauty, feeling for art and creativity, being the inspiration for the realization of iconic fashion items or advertising campaigns.

All these elements make Italy the favoured location for advanced and qualified studies in Fashion Law and the perfect observatory, from an international and European perspective, for the numerous legal concerns regarding the entire cycle of fashion production, commerce and supply chain. Studying in Italy may also increase the potential to work in one of the aforementioned business organisations and industries.



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