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International Commerce: new trends and challenges – A talk with John W.H. Denton AO

25 marzo 2022 ore 18:00

Luiss Guido Carli

Within the Masters in Business and Company Law: European and International Perspectives and in Food Law, is organized the conference

International Commerce: new trends and challenges – A talk with John W.H. Denton AO

Institutional addresses
Paola Severino Vice President, Luiss Guido Carli
Antonio Nuzzo Director of the Luiss School of Law

Giovanni Brugnoli Vice President for human capital, Confindustria
Barbara Beltrame Giacomello, Vice President for internationalization, Confindustria
Gustavo Ghidini Director of the Master Food Law, Luiss School of Law

Keynote speach
John W.H. Denton AO, Secretary General, International Chamber of Commerce

Introduction and coordination
Barbara De Donno Direttore del Master Luiss B&C Law e Segretario Generale ICC Italia