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Digital Assets, Cross-Border Markets and the Law: New Concepts and Rules

3 maggio 2019 ore 9:30

Luiss Guido Carli Sala delle Colonne, viale Pola 12

Within the Master in Diritto della concorrenza e dell'innovazione, the book Property law in a globalising world by Amnon Lehavi will be presented by the author and discussed during the seminar 

Digital Assets, Cross-Border Markets and the Law: New Concepts and Rules

Welcome Addresses
Paola Severino, Vice President, Luiss
Raffaele Marchetti, Deputy Rector for Internationalization, Luiss

Gustavo Olivieri, Director Master in Competition and Innovation Law, Luiss School of Law

Keynote speech 
Amnon Lehavi, Dean Harry Radzyner Law School, IDC Herzliya, Israel

Panel Session/Roundtable
Giorgio Resta, Professor of Comparative Private Law, Roma Tre University
Giuseppe Colangelo, Professor of Markets, regulations and law, Luiss 
Gabriella Muscolo, Commissioner, Italian Antitrust Authority
Andrea Minuto Rizzo, Director International Affairs Office, Italian Antitrust Authority