Roundtable organised by the Luiss School of Law and the Master in Diritto della concorrenza e dell’innovazione
Inaugural Greetings
Gustavo Olivieri Director of the Master in Diritto della concorrenza e dell’innovazione, Luiss School of Law
Gustavo Ghidini Professor Emeritus, University of Milan and Senior Professor of Intellectual Property Law, Luiss University
Keynote Speech
Klaus Grabinski President of the UPC Court of Appeal and Chairman of the Presidium of the UPC
The role of the soon-to-be-establishedItalian branch of the Central Divisionof the Unified Patent Court
Sem Fabrizi Minister Plenipotentiary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Italian Delegate in the UPC Administrative Committee
Christophe Geiger Professor of Intellectual Property, Luiss University