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Understanding U.S. Antitrust Law and its Limitations: Will the Neo-Brandeisian Movement Have Lasting Impact?

June 20, 2022 at 10:00

Aula Magna, Campus di via Parenzo, Luiss Guido Carli

Incontro organizzato nell'ambito del Master in Diritto della Concorrenza e dell’Innovazione

Understanding U.S. Antitrust Law and its Limitations:

Will the Neo-Brandeisian Movement Have Lasting Impact?

Introduction and Chair
Gustavo Olivieri Director Master in Diritto della Concorrenza e dell’Innovazione, Luiss School of Law and Full Professor in Commercial Law, Luiss University

Lectio magistralis
James Keyte Director, Fordham Competition Law Institute and Director of Global Development, Brattle

Gabriella Muscolo Partner, Franzosi Dal Negro Setti with Muscolo, Former Commissioner Italian Competition Authority
Renato Nazzini Professor, King’s College London and Partner, LMS Legal LLP
Antonio Bavasso Professor, University College London and Partner, Simpson Thacher