To officialise the partnership between the LLM in Food Law and the World Farmers’ Organization (WFO), on 7th October 2017 the LUISS School of Law hosted the prestigious event "GYMNASIUM", a high-profile conference concerning agricultural multi-stakeholder systems, trade and effective lobbying.
Among the participants were: H.R.H. Princesse Viktória de Bourbon de Parme, Kingdom of the Netherlands; Dr. Gilbert F. Houngbo (President, International Fund for Agricultural Development IFAD, Rome); Mr. Ren Wang (Assistant Director-General of the Agriculture and Consumer Protection Department, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, FAO, Rome); Dr. Martin Märkl (Senior Stakeholder Engagement Manager, Bayer AG, Monheim, Germany) and Dr. Theo de Jager (President, World Farmers’ Organization WFO, Rome). This event has been the first of a series of events that will be co-organized by the WFO and the School of Law in the framework of the LLM in Food Law.