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Webinar. Food E-Commerce: Challenges, Regulations and Trends

26 giugno 2020 ore 14:00

image-06/23/2020 - 17:32

Food e-commerce is increasingly taking off and generating new business and professional opportunities thanks to technology and changes in consumer habits.

On Friday, 26 June 2020 from 2 pm to 8 pm, subject matter experts representing Alibaba, eBay, Deliveroo, MammaPack, and important Law Firms, will discuss about challenges, regulations and trend of the Food E-Commerce.

The debate will be structured in two interactive moments: first, there will be a technical focus on the legal framework and the specific regulations on online and distance selling, information to consumers, online platforms and selective distribution. Then a session “Dialogue with companies” will follow where the participants will have the unique opportunity to discuss and deepen the notions learned within the first session directly with the representatives of the major companies working on e-commerce sector.


Distance selling: Legal framework ai EU level
Fabrizio Paratore Managing Partner, Paratore & Paratore Law Firm

Common issues of trademark infringements in e-commerce al posto di Selective distribution and online platforms.
Guido Foglia Partner, NCTM Law Firm

Information to consumers 
Cesare Varallo Food Lawyer, Founder, 

A dialogue with companies
Ercole De Vito Coordinator LL.M. in Food Law, Luiss School of Law
Fabrizio Paratore Managing Partner, Paratore & Paratore Law Firm

Romolo Ganzerli Founder, MammaPack 
Michele Laurino Senior Legal Counsel, eBay
Manfredi Minutelli Responsible for Country Key Accounts & Government Relations Italy, Spain, Portugal and Geeece, Alibaba Group
Gian Luca Petrillo Head of Corporate Affairs, Deliveroo 

The event is organized as part of the LL.M. in Food Law, with the patronage of ICC Italy.

At the end of the event, more info on the LL.M. may be requested to the coordinators of the Master.

Info and registration: