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B&C Law interviews… John Denton and Ignacio Tirado

3 maggio 2019 ore 14:00

Luiss Guido Carli Sala delle Colonne, viale Pola 12

The Master in Business and Company Law, whithin the format “B&C Law interviews...” – "B&C Law meets…" organizes a workshop with:

  • John DENTON, Secretary General International Chamber of Commerce
  • Ignacio TIRADO, Secretary General UNIDROIT

the workshop will be held in English.


Barbara DE DONNO, Luiss Guido Carli
Ercole de VITO, Luiss Guido Carli - ICC Italia

John DENTON, Secretary General International Chamber of Commerce
Ignacio TIRADO, Secretary General UNIDROIT

Master's Dilpoma conferring cerimony 

h. 16.00- 16.15 Coffee break

Classes in Italian
Anna VENEZIANO, Deputy Secretary General - UNIDROIT
Raffaele TORINO, Università Roma Tre - Studio Legale Bussoletti Nuzzo & Associati