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Master in Public International Law: check our new program

The LL.M. in Public International Law degree is specifically designed to cater to the needs both of working professionals and advanced students seeking to specialise in the practice of public international law and its sub-fields. Classes are entirely held in English.

The contents and approach of the programme emphasise real-life applications to contemporary issues, from a wide range of perspectives including those of governmental and EU institutions, law firms, multinational companies, consulting firms, civil society organisations and research institutions, such as think tanks.

The blend of advanced formal training with practical applications, with lectures, seminars and discussions with prominent academics and practitioners, structured around the Luiss ‘Enquiry-based’ teaching model, provides the types of expertise and skills required by the practice of public international law.

Early bird registration: 31st October 2023

Applications for a.y. 2023/2024 are now open.

Competition Notice a.y 2023/2024
