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Master in Food Law: International Chamber of Commerce scholarship

As part of the Agreement between the International Chamber of Commerce and #LSL, #LuissSchoolofLaw has provided tuition-fee-free attendance of the Master in #Food #Law. Felipe Samaniego Vélez, scholarship winner, explains why he is hugely pleased about the program:  «My name is Felipe Samaniego, and since 2009 I have been part of CorralRosales law firm, one of Ecuador's most influential law firms. Since 2012 I have been head of the Regulatory Affairs/Life Science Department, which I helped develop, and in 2019 I became a partner of the firm. Although we provide a complete service to companies across various industries from agricultural to pharmaceutical products, one of our main focuses is the food industry. Moreover, we handle matters for companies in #Ecuador and worldwide. Therefore, once I found out about the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) scholarship in such a prestigious program as the LLM in Food Law offered by Luiss School of Law with such a remarkable faculty, it caught my interest immediately. I know that it is a program that will contribute immensely to my professional growth and provide me with the knowledge to contribute to the correct development of the industry in Ecuador and Latin America. Therefore, I am incredibly grateful to have been selected by the ICC to benefit from the scholarship. I congratulate the ICC and Luiss School of Law for the initiative».