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Fighting food loss and waste: the role of international and private organizations (Round Table)

LLM in Food Law 
Round Table 
Fighting food loss and waste: the role of international and private organizations 
Saturday, 26th November 2016 
9:30 am – 1:00 pm 
Viale Pola 12, Rome – Room 112  


Daniela Corona (LUISS)


Camelia Bucatariu (FAO, Nutrition and Food Systems Division) 

Bin Liu (FAO, Nutrition and Food Systems Division) 

Moez El-Shohdi (Co-Founder & CEO, The Egyptian Food Bank) 

Angela Frigo (Fondazione Banco Alimentare) 

The event is organized within the framework of the LUISS LLM in Food Law but it is also open to external participants.
Please, register at: