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Wine diplomacy and trade policy: the international dimension

10 maggio 2024 ore 17:00

Aula 12, Campus Luiss di viale Pola

Within the Master in Food Law is organized the seminar

Wine diplomacy and trade policy: the international dimension

EU wine sector has experienced, in the last fifteen years, an unprecedent growth driven by the increase demand of consumers from third country markets, from America to Asia. This trend has been supported by one of the main relevant EU policy instrument: trade policy and, more specifically, Free Trade Agreements. The panel on “wine diplomacy and trade policy” will present the international dimension of EU wine and agriculture legislation, the outcome of the last ten years’ trade policy, protection of GIs beyond the EU borders and future developments of multilateralism. A specific focus on the recent EU-UK negotiations will also be described.

Introductory remarks
Daniela Corona Academic Coordinator, Master in Food Law

Anita Nappo Head of Trade Policy and Economic Security - Institutional affairs presso UK Dept for Business and Trade
John Clarke Former Director Int'l Affairs EU Commission & Head EU Del to WTO and UN
Nicola Tinelli Head of the Institutional Affairs in Italian Wine Union