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Direct Effect, Today: Selected Issues

29 marzo 2023 ore 9:00

Aula Nocco, Campus Luiss di via Parenzo

Roundtable organised within the Jean Monnet Chair on Understanding EU Law in Practice: EU Rights in Action before Courts held by Prof. Daniele Gallo.

Antonio Punzi Dean of Law Department and Professor of Methodology of Legal Sciences, Luiss

Cristina Fasone Professor of Public Comparative Law, Luiss University
Daniele Gallo Professor of European Union Law, Jean Monnet Chair, Luiss and Co-Director of the Master of Laws in European Law and Policies, Luiss School of Law

Horizontal Direct Effect and the internal market
Harm Schepel Professor of Economic Law, Kent Law School and the Brussels School of International Studies

Horizontal direct effect and the EU Charter
Xavier Groussot Professor of EU Law, Lund University

Direct Effect through the Lenses of Alberto Trabucchi
Fernanda Nicola Professor of Law, American University Washington College of Law

Direct effect and international law within the EU legal order
Robert Schütze Professor of Comparative Public Law, Luiss and Professor of European and Global Law, Durham Law School

Internal effect of EU law in UK after Brexit
Andrea Biondi Professor of European Union Law and Director of the Centre of European Law, King’s College London

Debate – Q/A

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