Workshop organised within the Jean Monnet Chair on Understanding EU Law in Practice: EU Rights in Action before Courts and the LLM in European Law and Policies (MELP)
Daniele Gallo Jean Monnet Chair Professor of European Union Law and Master in European Law and Policies MELP Codirector, Luiss University
Lorenzo Cecchetti Postdoctoral Research Fellow in EU Law, Luiss University
Chair and introduction
Robert Schütze Professor of Comparative Public Law and EU Law, Luiss University and Durham University
The Erga Omnes Effects of the Interpretative Rulings of the CJEU
Giuseppe Martinico Professor of Comparative Public Law, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies
CILFIT Forever?
François-Xavier Millet Professor of Public Law, University of the French Antilles
The use of Article 267 in Fundamental Rights Cases
Eleni Frantziou Professor of Public Law and Human Rights, Durham University
Preliminary Rulings and National Identities: What Happens When the Referring Judge is a Constitutional Court?
Giacomo Di Federico Professor of European Union Law, University of Bologna
The Overruling Technique in the CJEU Jurisprudence
Daniel Sarmiento Professor of Administrative and European Union Law, Complutense University of Madrid
Comparing the Effects of US Unconstitutionality and EU Incompatibility of State Laws: Insights from the Preliminary Reference Procedure
Cristina Fasone Professor of Comparative Public Law, Luiss University
Fernanda G. Nicola Professor of Law, American University-Washington College of Law