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Airlines in transit

5 febbraio 2022 ore 10:00

Luiss Guido Carli

Round table organized within the Luiss School of Law with Studio legale Pierallini. 
Airlines are not only mobile but also precious and vulnerable assets. They come and go, take over or are taken over, and engage into all sorts of commercial arrangements. Expert and experienced speakers will address the multifaceted legal questions affecting these events and transactions in a round table discussion.


Welcome Address
Raffaele Marchetti Deputy Rector for Internationalization, Luiss University

Pablo Mendes de Leon Em. Professor of Air and Space Law, Leiden University and President of the European Air Law Association (EALA)
Laura Pierallini Name Partner at Studio Legale Pierallini, Luiss University
Alessio Quaranta Director General of Italian CAA – ENAC
Joerg Eberhart Chief Strategy Officer of Lufthansa Group
Ivan Bassato COO of Aeroporti di Roma
Vincent Correia Professor of Public Law at the University of Paris Sarclay
Filippo Corsi General Counsel of ITA Airways
Katia Avramidou Chief Legal Counsel at Aegean Airlines
Mia Wouters Partner at GDS Advocaten
Morten Hans Jakobsen Partner at Gorissen Federspiel
Grégory Laville de la Plaigne Partner at Clyde & Co LLP
Antonio Moura Portugal Partner at DLA Piper

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