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Rules and Tools: Exceptions and technologies in the DSM Directive

22 aprile 2021 ore 16:00

Webinar Luiss

Rules and Tools: Exceptions and technologies in the DSM Directive

Webinar within the activities of BILL Blockchain, artificial Intelligence and digital innovation Law Lab

Introductory remarks
Antonio Nuzzo Director of BILL and Luiss School of Law

The exceptions in the DSM Directive: a legal viewpoint
Vittorio Ragonesi Counselor for the Ministry of Culture

Panel on technologies and cultural industries

Introduction and moderation
Paolo Marzano Partner Legance – Intellectual property right, Università Luiss Guido Carli

Exception, licenses e technologies in the DSM Directive
Piero Attanasio Head of international relations at AIE

Co-operation needs for a functioning EU level copyright infrastructure
Anna Vuopala Senior Ministerial Adviser at Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland

R&D needs towards the Copyright infrastructure
Paola Mazzucchi Head of R&D at AIE

DE:PICT DSM - How decentralised identifiers and blockchaincan support the copyright infrastructure
Sebastian Posth Chair of the ISCC Foundation

Creating Value: Licensing + much more - the CCC experience
Michael Healy Executive Director International Relations at Copyright Clearing Center 

Ricardo Levi President of AIE
