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Master of Law (LL.M.) in Food Law Conferring ceremony III edition

14 febbraio 2020 ore 13:45

Luiss Guido Carli Sala delle Colonne, viale Pola 12

On Friday February 14, 2020, the graduation ceremony will be held for the students of the III edition of the Master in Food Law. 

h. 13.45- 14.00 Registration

h. 14.00
Enzo Moavero Milanesi Director Luiss School of Law 

h. 14.10 
Lectio Magistralis
Franco Guariglia Group Legal and Corporate Affairs Director, Barilla

h. 14.45
Conferring ceremony
Enzo Moavero Milanesi Director Luiss School of Law 
Gustavo Ghidini Director LL.M. in Food Law
Maria Pia Ragionieri Director LL.M. in Food Law
Daniela Corona Academic coordinator LL.M. in Food Law
Ercole de Vito Executive activities coordinator LL.M. in Food Law

h. 15.00
Student graduation speech and Award of Mipaaf Prize

h. 15.15
Coffee break