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Celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Chicago Convention and ICAO

7 dicembre 2019 ore 9:30

Luiss Guido Carli Sala delle Colonne, viale Pola 12

On the 7th  of December 1944, fifty-two Government representatives met in Chicago to agree upon the Convention on International Civil Aviation to ensure all nations would benefit from the safe, affordable and peaceful development of international air services. The job of overseeing this extraordinarily complex task was given to the United Nations’ International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO). On the 75th  anniversary of the signing of the  Chicago Convention, Luiss will host a celebratory conference envisioned and coordinated in collaboration with the International Institute of Air and Space Law of Leiden University, the Italian civil aviation authority (ENAC - Ente Nazionale per l’Aviazione Civile), the Italian air navigation service provider (ENAV - Società nazionale per il controllo del traffico aereo) and Studio Pierallini. A table of distinguished international guests will commemorate the Convention and its relevance to global peace and prosperity since its adoption 75 years ago.

h. 09.30 am Registration and Weolcome Coffee

h. 10.00 pm Welcome addresses
Raffaele Marchetti Deputy Rector for Internationalization, Luiss
Nicola Zaccheo President Italian Civil Aviation Authority 

Opening Remarks
Alessio Quaranta General Director Italian Civil Aviation Authority
Pablo Mendes de Leon Professor of the International Institute of Air and Space Law at University of Leiden 

Laura Pierallini Name Partner at Studio Pierallini and Luiss 

Presentation of the book "Behind and beyond the Chicago Convention"
Niall Buissing Director of the International Institute of Air and Space Law at University of Leiden 

Round table - The pivotal importance of the Chicago Convention in the era of innovation and automation
Jiefang Huang Director legal affairs and external relations bureau at ICAO Montreal
Jeffrey Shane General Counsel IATA Geneva
Ugo de Carolis Chief Executive Officer, Aeroporti di Roma, Rome


Closing remarks
Marianna Simeone Delegate of Québec in Italy, Rome
Valentina Lener General Director, Italian Airports Association - Assaeroporti, Rome
Laura Pierallini Name Partner at Studio Pierallini and Luiss

h. 12.45 pm Farewell Cocktail

Online registration