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The regulation of material non-public information in EU and the US: convergence and/or path-dependence?

18 luglio 2019 ore 14:00

Luiss Guido Carli Aula Magna Mario Arcelli, Viale Pola 12

The Summer School on European and Comparative Company Law: Capital Markets organizes a symposium on "The regulation of material non-public information in EU and the US: convergence and/or path-dependence?".


Opening remarks
Barbara de Donno,Director of the Summer School and Professor of Private Comparative Law, Luiss School of Law

Introduction and Moderator
Eugenio Ruggiero, Coordinator of the Summer School and Adjunct Professor of Private Comparative Law, Luiss School of Law

The disclosure of inside information after the Market Abuse Regulation
Jesper Lau Hansen, Professor of Financial Markets Law, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

SMEs and the proportionality test for the disclosure of inside information
Sergio Gilotta, Senior Researcher and Adjunct Professor of Business Law, University of Bologna
Annarita Puppato, Officer, CONSOB
Federico Raffaele, Adjunct Professor of Private Comparative Law, Luiss School of Law, Senior Associate Studio Legale Carbonetti e Associati

Assonime's proposals for the possible revision of the Market Abuse Regulation
Paola Spatola, Assonime, Capital Markets and Listed Companies; Chair of European Issuers’ MAR Working Group

Disclosure of inside information. The US and the EU approaches
Marco Ventoruzzo, Professor of Business Law, Bocconi University and Penn State Dickinson School of Law, USA

Diego Corapi, Emeritus Professor of Private Comparative Law, “La Sapienza” University


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