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Innovation and regulation in the agri-food sector: present and future challenges

11 maggio 2019 ore 9:00

Luiss Guido Carli Sala delle Colonne, viale Pola 12

Whithin the Master of Law in Food Law is organized the workshop 

Innovation and regulation in the agri-food sector: present and future challenges


h. 09.00-11.00 Innovations in the Agri-food Sector
Daniele ROSSI
, Confagricoltura
Roberto NARDI, Founder and General manager of RO.NA S.a.s.

h. 11.00-13.00 Agri-food Regulatory Policy
Daniele ROSSI
, Confagricoltura
Luciano DI VIA, Head of the Italian Antitrust Practice, Cliffors Chance