Opening Ceremony of the Masters in Art and Fashion Law
"The art industry is becoming more intricate with time. The definition of artwork is evolving, and it is attracting a growing share of investments in the cultural sphere. Consequently, there is a growing need for more lawyers, who can safeguard not only the artwork and artistic legacy but also the artists and the various legal entities that are linked to it through various relationships".
Renata Cristina Mazzantini Director at Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea as a special guest.
"I grew up in a highly influential family in the fashion industry, the Fendi family. Growing up, I developed a love for beauty and art. However, I pursued a law degree and eventually realized that it was not my calling. Today, I can say that my legal background has been valuable in the new project I founded and created - FOROF. It is an innovative project that combines business with cultural heritage in a unique way."
Giovanna Caruso Fendi Founder of FOROF as a special guest.