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As to partecipate to the admission procedure, candates need to satisfy the requirements as provided by the Academic Regulation of the Summer School (Bando):

Application Process: online application form

Admission is based on the assessment of CVs/resumes of the candidates. A good command of written and spoken English is required. Early application is encouraged. Qualified candidates are admitted on a rolling basis.

Necessary documents:

  • Copy of an identity document (passport or National ID Card where applicable);
  • Photocopy of university degree with details of exams, grades and academic credits or selfcertification as per D.P.R. 445/2000; or academic transcripts if the student has not yet obtained an academic title;
  • Curriculum vitae et studiorum (CV) as per D.P.R. 445/2000; 4. Additional documents to be evaluated for the admission as per D.P.R. 445/2000.

Program Fee:

Sandard: to enroll in the course, admitted candidates must pay an enrollment fee of €1.200 (€1.000 for Luiss graduates).

Alumni Luiss, also of post-graduate courses, will be awarded a 10% discount. Public and private organisations/studies/entities that enrol three or more participants at the same time will be given a 20% discount.