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Faculty 2016/2017

LLM in Food Law at the LUISS School of Law is a place where theory meets practics. This spirit is embodied in its faculty of prominent academics and leading practitioners from around the globe. Their commitment to teaching and research delivers intellectual rigor as well as hands-on experience into our classrooms.

Prof. A. F. Abou Hadid

AinShams University

Ayman Farid Abou Hadid is Professor Emeritus at the Faculty of Agriculture of the AinShams University in Cairo, Egypt and he is considered one of the principal experts in agricultural law in his country. In 2013, he was appointed Minister of Agriculture and Land Reclamation and, in this capacity, he started the implementation of the food law in Egypt, also through scientific researches with Italian Universities aiming at reproducing the EU food law system in the national context. He is a member of the Board of the Research and Training Consortium on Food Safety (Rifosal) and author of many scientific publications.

Prof. J. Bourgeois

College of Europe

Jacques Bourgeois is Senior Adviser in the law firm Sidley Austin LLP where he advises on all aspects of European Union law, specifically in relation to EU competition matters and international trade law. He served for over 25 years as a senior official with the European Commission working, inter alia, in the fields of foreign trade policy, antitrust policy, antidumping and subsidies, as well as for safeguard measures and protection against illicit commercial practices. He is also Professor at the College of Europe in Bruges (Belgium) and guest professor at the University of Gent (Belgium).

Dr. Khaled El-Taweel

Food and Agricolture Oranization (FAO)

Dr. Khaled Eltaweel is the chair of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) Committe on Commodity Problems. He also serves as the Chairman of the Committee on Food Security’s (CFS) Open Ended Working Group on Nutrition. He earned his doctorate in International Law (LLD) from the University of Pretoria where he also obtained his Master of International Law (LLM) in 2010. He has a Master of International Business Administration (MIBA) from the Ecole Supérieure Libre des Sciences Commerciales Appliquées, (ESLSCA), Paris, France.

Prof. C. Galli 

University of Parma, IP Law Galli

Head and founder of IP_Law_Galli and full professor of IP law at the University of Parma Faculty of Law since 1998, Cesare Galli handles litigation involving all branches of IP law. Since 2005 he has been a member of the Governmental Boards of Counsel in the IP field, including the boards which drafted the 2010 reform of the Code of Industrial Property and the rules to implement the Unified Patent Court and now the 2015 EU Trademarks Directive in Italy. Professor Galli is the author/editor of an impressive number of publications, including “The Italian IP Code: the 2010 Reform” (2010) and “The Commented Code of Industrial and Intellectual Property” (2011, edited with A Gambino), the largest ever produced.

Prof. M. Grossman

Illinois University

Margaret Rosso Grossman is Bock Chair and Professor of Agricultural Law, Emerita at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She is an internationally recognized expert on issues related to agricultural law and the environment. Professor Grossman is a past president of the American Agricultural Law Association (AALA) and winner of the 1993 AALA Distinguished Service Award, as well as of the 1999 Silver Medal of the European Council for Agricultural Law.

Dr. H. Kuiper

Formerly RIKILT, Institute of Food Safety, Wageningen UR, The Netherlands

Harry A. Kuiper, a former scientist, was until November 2006, Programme Leader and International Account Manager at RIKILT. From 1997-2003 he served as member of the EU Scientific Committee on Plants and from 2003- 2012 chaired the Scientific Panel on GeneticallyModified Organisms of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), and was also member of the EFSA Scientific Committee. Currently he is ad hoc member of the EFSA GMO Panel Working Group of food and feed safety. He chaired numerous national and international expert committees (among them WHO and FAO), inter alia, on the safety of food produced by modern biotechnology. He has been coordinator of various EU co-funded projects like ENTRANSFOOD and SAFE FOODS.

Prof. C. Mestre

University of Strasbourg

Christian Mestre is Professor at the Law and Political Science faculty of the University of Strasbourg (France) since 1992, and Rector of Robert Schuman University of Strasbourg since 1998. He was Associate professor at the University of Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) in 1992/1996, and he is visiting professor at the University of Warsaw (Poland), Bucharest (Romania), Rome (Italy), Barcelona (Spain), and at the College of Europe in Bruges (Belgium). His research interests include the European building, institutional problems, agricultural policy, and social and economic cohesion policy. 

Prof. M. Tamponi

LUISS University

Michele Tamponi is Professor of Private Law at the LUISS University (Rome) where he also serves as Director of the LUISS Postgraduate Legal Training School. His research interests include private law as well as agricultural and food law. He is a member of the Board of Editors and the scientific committees of several scientific journals in agricultural law, and he is author of monographs and over 350 scientific articles related also to Agricultural Law.

Prof. G.L.Tosato

LUISS University

Gian Luigi Tosato is Professor Emeritus of International and European Union Law at the University La Sapienza (Rome); he is Professor of EU law at the LUISS University in Rome. Founder of Studio Legale Tosato law firm (Rome), he is a member of the American Society of International Law, of the International Law Association, and of the Executive Committee of the Institute of International Affairs. He is also former President of the Commission on Computing, Telecommunications and Information Policies of the ICC in Paris and Honorary President of Ericsson Italy.

Prof. P. Van den Bossche

World Trade Organization, WTO

Peter Van den Bossche is Member of the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization, Geneva, since 2009, and served as its Chairman in 2015. On 1 July 2016, he joined the World Trade Institute, Bern, as Director of Studies and Professor of International Economic Law (on a part-time basis until the end of his second and last term as Appellate Body Member in December 2017). Peter Van den Bossche is visiting professor of law at Maastricht University (since 2016), the Universidad San Francisco de Quito (since 2016), the College of Europe, Bruges (since 2010); and the University of Barcelona (since 2008). Van den Bossche is member of the Advisory Board of the Journal of International Economic Law, the Journal of World Investment and Trade, the Revista Latinoamericana de Derecho Comercial Internacional and the WTO Chairs Programme.


  • Accademic Coordinator: D. Corona, LUISS University
  • Executive Activities Coordinator: E. de Vito, LUISS University