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#Press: Masters in Art and Fashion Law featured in a detailed article on La Voce di New York

Luiss Masters Unveiled: Exploring the World of Art Law and Fashion Law in Italy

Our Masters in Art and Fashion Law, both directed by Angela Del Vecchio, featured in a detailed article on La Voce di New York

«Italy has always been a beacon of art and style, with its artistic beauty permeating every corner and street, delighting with unexpected surprises. The allure of “Italian style” transcends borders, admired and envied worldwide, and “Made in Italy” symbolizes originality, refinement, sophistication, and quality in both art and fashion. As a result, Italy stands as an exceptional destination for advanced studies in Art Law and Fashion Law.

Recognizing the significance of these thriving industries, the Luiss School of Law has centered its educational offerings on the Master in Art Law and the Master in Fashion Law, designed to attract an international audience seeking unique and specialized experiences».