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Using Negotiated Corporate Settlements in the Fight Against Corruption: a Comparative Approach

22 settembre 2018 ore 9:00

LUISS Guido Carli Sala delle Colonne, viale Pola 12

LUISS Master in Compliance and Prevention of Corruption in the Public and Private Sectors and Ph.D. Program in Law and Business will host the Round Table on

Using Negotiated Corporate Settlements in the Fight Against Corruption: a Comparative Approach 

Chair and Welcome
Antonio GULLO, Full Professor of Criminal Law, LUISS Guido Carli

Lectio magistralis 
Jennifer H. ARLEN, Norma Z. Paige Professor of Law, Director of the Program on Corporate Compliance and Enforcement, Director of the Center in Law, Economics and Organization, New York University School of Law 

Luca D’AMBROSIO, Chargé de recherche, Chaire Etat social et mondialisation, Collège de France, Paris
Jacobo DOPICO GOMEZ-ALLER, Profesor Titular acred. Catedràtico de Derecho Penal; Director del Postgrado en Compliance, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Costantino GRASSO, Senior Lecturer in Law, Coventry University; Global MBA Module Leader for Corporate Governance and Ethics, Queen Mary University of London

The Round Table is open only to students attending the Master in Compliance and Prevention of Corruption in the Public and Private Sectors and the Ph.D. Program in Law and Business.
