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Business and Company Law: European and International Perspectives

The Master offers an overview of the organization and financing forms of the companies, with an attention in the most widespread contractual instruments from the 2/8 perspective of Community law and by observing significant experiences of civil law and common law, of the BRICS countries and international trade.

The lessons are held in Italian and, in some cases, in English.

The course, without considering a broad and comprehensive classification of the topics covered, also illustrates the related professional implications through testimonies and examinations of practical cases entrusted to established experts in the field, to purpose the training of professionals capable of responding to organizational needs, restructuring, mobility and cross-border business activity.

B&C Law:

  • represents a significant bridge between the academic experience and the labor market, thanks to an interdisciplinary approach and to the operational cutting of teaching. 
  • facilitates students' employability by structuring professional profiles with specific skills, which are required to operate in the main legal business departments of international companies and organizations and in the most prestigious Italian and international law firms.

You can find more information on the Italian dedicated page.