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Online application

This master course accepts 25 students with a four- or five-years degree or equivalent degree preferably in law, political sciences and public policies. Students will be selected according to the following criteria:

  • Academic merit: the quality and coherence of the university career as shown by the academic documents, the CV and the reference letters;
  • International experience: demonstrable orientation towards international careers;
  • Motivation:  convincing reasons of why and how this master is to foster personal and professional aspirations. 

Applicants need to first fill out the online form by uploading also:

  • detailed CV with list of academic courses;
  • motivation letter explaining the candidate’s motivation for attending this program 
  • official academic record containing a full list of attended courses with marks/grades; should a study programme not being completed at the time of the application, the application is to provide a list of remaining exams and indication of the timing for their completion;
  • copy of any undergraduate and/or graduate degree where applicable;
  • where applicable, a certificate of English proficiency (TOEFL, IELTS or by another recognised language institute);
  • a copy of the applicant’s national identity card or passport;
  • one reference letter.

If you experience technical difficulties, please feel free to email the documents listed above to

Students who have not yet completed their undergraduate studies can submit a full application. Should they be admitted, they will be enrolled conditionally. They will need to complete their undergraduate studies by December 31, 2017.

Students with foreign undergraduate degrees are expected to send their a statement of value of the academic titles by January 31, 2018.