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Admission Requirements

As to partecipate to the admission procedure, candidates need to satisfy the requirements as provided by the Academic Regulation of the Master (Bando):

The Master accepts students of all nationalities, selected according to the following criteria:

  • Academic merit: the quality and coherence of the university career, as shown by the academic documents, the CV and 1 reference letter;
  • International experience: the evidence of an orientation towards an international career as shown either by university studies or possible work experience or statements by referees;
  • Motivation: each applicant has to send a motivation letter explaining why and how the participation in the LL.M. program will help him/her to achieve his/her personal, educational and professional ambitions.

Application Process 

Applicants have to use the online application form available at the following link and they need to send the following mandatory documentation:

  • A copy of the applicant's national identity card or passport
  • Detailed CV with the list of academic courses followed and possible professional experiences
  • Academic transcripts (degree certificates, list of examinations taken and results achieved) in the original language and translation into English. Applicants, who have not yet completed the current degree or do not have access to a transcript of the final results, need to submit an official interim transcript

Additional documentation to present: 

  • Motivation letter explaining the applicant's personal motivation for attending the Master of Law (LL.M.) in Food Law - master di secondo livello
  • A letter of reference (or the e-mail and phone contacts of a potential referee)
  • Where applicable, a certificate of English proficiency (TOEFL, IELTS or by another recognised language institute).

Program Fee:

Applications for the sixth edition are now open:

  • Tuition fee of the Master is set at EUR 9500.
  • the fee is reduced by 10% for Luiss graduates and for students enrolling by 30th August 2024.

Should you experience technical difficulties, please send an email to: