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Cybersecurity: public policies, legislation and management (in Italian)

Produced in collaboration between the four Luiss Guido Carli Schools, the School of Law, School of Government, School of European Political Economy and Business School, the Master's degree in Cybersecurity: public policies, legislation and management provides advanced training on information security.

Lessons will be held in Italian.

Technological developments, such as IoT, cloud, social media, and mobile are just some of the emerging themes with which all public and private organizations are faced. The implementation of Digital Transformation in companies requires the presence of appropriate protection systems, in addition to technological, managerial, economic, legal and political knowledge.

The benefits of digital transformation are appreciable only in a secure, reliable environment that operates in compliance with the rights of users. This determines the need for a cyber-security professional to be capable of managing processes, applications and infrastructures with a strategic vision and with legal, managerial and economic skills.

You can find more information at the italian dedicated page.