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European and Comparative Company Law: Capital Market

Application for a.y. 2022/2023 are now open.

Early bird deadline: 23rd February 2023.

As to partecipate to the admission procedure, candidates need to satisfy the requirements as provided by the Academic Regulation of the Summer School (Bando):

In cooperation with Leiden University and under the aegis of the Centre for European Company Law (“CECL“).

The Luiss Summer School on European and Comparative Company Law (the “School“) is designed as an add-on to the education of law students as well as graduates with an interest in company law and as an advanced course for practitioners. It will allow participants to prepare for or complement a graduate degree in business law by gaining an in-depth exposure to the theory and practice of company law in Europe and acquiring the tools for dealing with cross-border transactions involving listed companies.
Luiss Guido Carli and the Centre for European Company Law – an academic partnership between the universities of Leiden, Luiss Guido Carli, Maastricht, Uppsala, Utrecht and the Allerhand Institute of Advanced Legal Studies – benefit from the co-operation of a group of Harvard Law School graduates and are putting together a set of top academics and practitioners from all over Europe that will offer to participants the invaluable chance to be intellectually challenged by the most cutting-edge issues knowledge in the corporate and capital markets law.
The top faculty, the intensive classes, and the interactive mode of instruction make the School a unique opportunity to deepen students’ knowledge in company and capital markets law while enjoying culture and leisure activities in the beautiful setting that Rome offers in the summer.