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Financial Markets Regulation (in Italian)

Luiss Guido Carli University and Gerardo Capriglione Onlus Foundation offer a high quality training course, which focuses on the preparation in banking, financial and insurance areas.

Lessons will be held in Italian.

The master is addressed to lawyers, accountants and financial operators who want to deepen their knowledge of regulatory aspects of the field. In particular, the recurrent issues in the financial activities and capital markets practice will be addressed in detail.

Thanks to this training course, many students have succeeded in passing public competitions, entering in institutions as the Bank of Italy and Supervisory Authorities. The master also gives possibilities in the private sector, in particular in legal and professional offices. Finally, it provides a proper preparation to approach the academic career.

The master's degree is characterized by an interdisciplinary methodology that combines frontal classes with innovative teaching tools based on participants’ involvement, such as focus groups, working groups and exercises.

In addition to this, seminars, conferences, round tables and discussion boards will be promoted.

You can find more information on the Italian dedicated page