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Business Law (in Italian)

The master aims to train lawyers in business law, providing technical insights to enable them to operate in both corporate and legal professions.The entire master's course is based on a continuous dialectic between teacher and learner, in the idea of creating a continuous “training” path, which directly involves each participant.
Lessons will be held in Italian.

The master includes several exercises, such as drafting of deeds, opinions, contracts, moot court, in addition to the development of short scientific essays with the supervision of CERADI - Luiss Guido Carli tutors, researchers and lecturers.

The master is realized in agreement with the AIGI (Italian Association of Business Jurists) and the Bruno Visentini Foundation and in collaboration with CERADI (Research Center for Business Law) of the Luiss Guido Carli University.

For more information, please visit the Italian dedicated page.